The Flyover of Wilkins Runway. Next is a test landing - hopefully - in a few weeks time.
Casey Station and Newcomb Bay from the air
Willkins Runway from the flyover aircraft. Running 4Km, it is the longest runway in the Sourthern hemisphere
John, Andrew, Chris. All four of us will be mates for life.
Getting read to ride! John in the foreground, Chris & Andrew behind.
Being Intrepid! Chris & Andrew on the porch of Robbo's Hut
Pyramid tents - the ideal all weather tent for adventuring.
"Snow Coffins". They keep you warm if you have to Bivvy out.
Both CASA airplanes at S1 Skiway. Photo by Tricky.
Leaving Robbo's for the last time - I rode the skidoo home.
A lone Adelli by the sea ice edge in Penny Bay
Adelli Penguins out for a walk.
An Emporer Penguin on the ice edge at Penny Bay - Robbo's.
How could you not love these beautiful, gentle creatures?
Skua's - Antarctica's scavengers. A beautiful bird despite their savagery.
No longer pups, this little guy now is half as big as his mum.
Now THIS is a beautiful face!
Robbo's - my favourite place in Antarctica.
Manhandleing John's quad out of the slush
Trying to tow out John's quad saw the second quad bog as well.
Monday evening - nearly 11PM. Pink sunset reflection in Newcomb Bay. Very pretty.
Penguin COlony on Odberd Island. All this ice is now open water.