Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Boating skills aquired

We also learnt rescue skills like getting into the boat when you fall out and patient pickup, both static and on the move. Oh My God – I am SUCH a gumby! Not sure if anyone has ever tried getting into a Zodiac while treating water – it is extremely difficult and made even more so because I was laughing harder with each failed attempt. 15 minutes, a few muttered swear words and a broken fingernail later and I landed like a big flopping, exhausted elephant seal into the bottom of the boat. Very ungracious to say the least - the boys were in stitches over my efforts. However, they did applaud me in the end so I stood in the boat and took a bow. It was the least I could do after providing them with so much entertainment :op Then we had to tip the boat over and learn how to right it. When it came to my turn, as the boat tipped over I didn’t jump quite clear enough and the end where the motor sits – which is a massive wood and metal plate that I can’t remember the name of – came crashing down on my head. DOH! First I saw stars and almost got knocked out, later a huge egg developed on my head. I had a massive headache for a day and a half over that one. (My first aid training tells me I had mild concussion, but we won’t tell the Doc that will we?!)
Aside from the bumps and bruises - This is the best course I think I have ever done in my life. I loved it. So now down south I will be ferrying Scientists with all their science gear, as part of my duties with the boat team, out to Islands and along the coastline where they will count penguins and watch algae grow and generally carry out science stuff. I will also be taking people on Berg Cruises through Casey’s “Iceberg Alley” at night, which will be amazing. Oh and I saw my first Penguin while boating! OK, OK so it was a Fairy Penguin – but it was still a penguin. Ha ha.


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